Video Workshop

Online Box Workshop with Video Instructions

The perfect solution to writing your Continuity Plan when the COVID-19 is

keeping us from presenting our live Workshops!

The Survive and then Thrive online workshop is designed to walk you through the steps of preparing your Business Continuity Plan.  Not everyone can attend the live Workshops in person.  This comprehensive Webinar provides extra background information and illustrations. 

The package includes the Business Continuity Planning Workbook with all the forms, explanations and step by step directions.  The accompanying videos provide illustrations of how to use the workbook and answers the prevalent question of Why the decisions need to be made in the order given. 

The videos present much of the information covered in workshop presentations.  You can watch them all before starting the planning process and gain a comprehensive overview of how the planning process will proceed. 

By watching the videos, members of the planning committee gain a conceptual insight to preparedness and continuity of operations.  Being prepared is an ongoing activity and mindset, not a paper plan that sits on the shelf once it is complete.  The process of planning and integrating activities into ongoing operations enhances awareness and the likelihood of responding accurately and surviving the suddenness of a crisis.

The videos also complement the sections of the Continuity Plan and serve as good introduction and overview to each step of the planning process.  Watching each video prior to addressing the different chapters in the workbook, the steps to take in planning, help members of your business or organization to address the decisions and choices that need to be made. 

The illustrations and details provide a context that facilitates making the planning decisions for your operation.   Then the directions in the Workbook guide you to capture your decisions in the included forms that become the backbone of your continuity plan.

The videos can be reviewed annually as you review and update your plan.  New participants will gain understanding and those who participated in the past will validate their decisions and receive encouragement to make updates reflecting changes that have taken place over the past year. 

If the continuity plan has been successfully integrated into operations, only new members of the planning committee, and possibly new personnel in Key Positions – those known as continuity or essential personnel, need to watch the videos during the annual review and update.  

Having the complete set of videos allows you to bring new personnel up to speed quickly.  Using the videos as the training basis for planning also ensures that everyone has the same training and frame of reference.

This video and workbook package gives you an advantage over the workshop in that you can review the content whenever you wish.  Additionally, individuals involved in the planning can view the videos at their convenience, making sure that everyone has the same point of reference.

Plans are underway to create additional videos that address specific questions that have come up from various clients.  These additional videos will be made available to everyone who purchases the Online Box Set of Videos and Workbook.

75% of small businesses do not have a disaster recovery plan in place 

52% of small businesses say it would take at least three months to recover from a disaster

Only 18% of companies surveyed that have fewer than 50 employees have a disaster recovery plan

Only 25% of businesses that close due to a major disaster ever reopen